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Only 7 steps to become a leader that’s ready to serve

Writer's picture: Sarah GruneisenSarah Gruneisen

🥚 When I first embarked on my leadership journey, I was a level 1 leader.

It took years of introspection, learning, and experience to evolve.

🐲 Only now, in my late forties, do I find myself truly positioned to serve ❤️‍🔥

In our leadership paths, we often traverse a transformative journey.

🥚 It starts with merely surviving, where we're just getting by, taking each challenge as it comes.

Then, we find ourselves conforming, trying to fit into predefined molds, aligning with the status quo.

But as we grow, we begin differentiating, identifying what truly sets us apart.

This evolves into individuating, where we harness our unique strengths and perspectives, standing tall in our authenticity.

💪🏿🐲 As we continue, we reach a pinnacle in self-actualizing, realizing our fullest potential.

Yet, the journey doesn't end there.

🐲🐉🐉🐉 Leaders then work towards integrating and harmonizing their individual strengths with the collective.

❤️‍🔥 And ultimately, it culminates in serving, where we give back, empower others, and amplify the collective strength.

This cycle, akin to a dragon finding its strength and purpose, encapsulates the essence of true leadership.


Because true liberation in leadership doesn't just come from recognizing one's strength;

it's about the entire journey, the transitions, and the evolution.

🥚 Remember, all leaders start as hatchlings.

💚 Forgive your missteps, and embrace your learning journey.

We all faced uncertainties the first time we tried.

Practice self-compassion.

Like a dragon discovering its purpose, this cycle embodies the core of genuine leadership.

Dive deep into your journey and understand where you stand today. 🐉

💚💚🐉 I’d love to hear about your leadership journey!

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